311 Commodities

311 Commodities Feed Division

Commodity Pricing

Comparing Commodities – Most farmers think the cheapest feed is what’s the cheapest price or what their dad and grandpa fed to their livestock which is incorrect. You need to figure all your nutrients on a dm basis. Use of a DM basis is critical because removing moisture allows producers to compare nutrient concentrations of feeds with varying moisture content. The ones I like to look at are Protein, Fat, Nem (Net Energy Maintenance), Neg (Net Energy Gain), and TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients which is one measure of energy concentration in feed). Below are some comparisons with rough prices for 2024. Prices will be different depending on where you are located. View Comparison Chart

Corn Comparison – As you can see in the Hominy and Corn comparison they’re close to the same price. TDN is 2 cents higher on hominy but the fat in Hominy is .18 cents cheaper then corn.

Comparing Roughage’s – Here is a comparison of roughage feeds. As you can see in this comparison for 2024 prices Gin Trash and Rye Haylage seem to be the cheapest sources of CP. With hay being hard to find and $70-$80 a bale gin trash is a good option to help save a little money.

Liquid Feed Comparison – Here is a comparison between liquid feeds. QLF and Mix 30 are excellent feeds when you can’t take a 25 ton load but as you can see corn syrup is extremely cheaper then both of them.

​Give us a call today and see what great deals we can get for you! You’ll be amazed by the price and quality of the feed and will keep coming back for more. Let us help you be successful in your business!


Delivering Bulk Feed Since 2017